Monday, 4 February 2019

Instagram Influencers: How they helped me

If you don't know by now who Mrs Hinch is, where the hell have you been living? 
Instagram Influencers such as Mrs Hinch, Lynsey Queen of Clean, Little Miss Mops, The Secret Cleaner, and Sian, from TheMumWays are all the range right now in the world of Insta. 

I've never really been "big" into Instagram, I had my own personal account for family and friends, and that was that, then I'd seen this hype on Facebook about Mrs Hinch and how wonderful her cleaning tips were - so being the nosey cow I am, I had to go check her out, and instantly I was hooked. 

Now, obviously with being an instagram influencer, comes a lot of backlash, negativity and LOTS of trolls, which certainly has been the case for Mrs Hinch, and when this hype started, I can remember being so excited to purchase a Dave and posting about this, that and the other cleaning tip that I'd tried that week, that so many people were leaving shitty facebook statuses about how people clearly never cleaned before Mrs Hinch. 

Which for me, wasn't the case, and i'm pretty sure for a lot of other people who became hooked with hinching. 

Cleaning to me was a chore though. I mopped, hoovered, dusted, just the same as I do now, but it didn't seem fun - it just seemed like a job needing doing, something that I'd no choice but to do, something tiresome and dull. 

Whereas now, cleaning (or hinching) is a lot brighter, more fun, colourful, exciting. 
Mrs Hinch doesn't just share tips, tricks and the latest zoflora scent, she puts the fun into cleaning, she makes you want to get up off your ass and vera the floor, she makes you want to bounce out of bed to Paul the Toilet, she makes you wanna dirty your sink, just so you can CLIFF IT. 

So, how did these insta influencers help me? 

Well, my best friend suggested to me, I should make a 'home account' on Insta, and I thought, why the heck not - I couldn't think of a good home account name - Mrs McC clean with me, was a bit shit to be honest, and most catchy names, were already taken, plus the fact I am the least bit creative so thinking of a catchy name wasn't gonna come easy, so I decided, why not use my blog name, and just have it as a blog/family/cleaning account, mix it all up a little? 

So I started following a few - then following some more - soon I was gathering up quite a few 'home accounts' and loving it. I was becoming hooked. 
I followed Mrs Hinch, obviously - Little Miss Mops - and all the usual. Then found The Mum Ways. 

The Mum Ways - Sian is one of my favourite accounts on Instagram. I love watching her stories, and find her amazing. She keeps it so real, and talks about everything from cleaning to mum life. When comparing my life to other mum accounts on Insta, I always felt I was lacking something - like I was doing something wrong - but watching The Mum Ways - she makes you feel like a normal mum! She shares the normal every day realities, not just the best bits that most people (including myself probably) do share.  She makes me feel good as a mother, because of how real she is, and it helped me come round to the idea of being able to do selfie videos! (I still don't think i'd have the balls to go live) 

Mrs Hinch - the lovely Mrs Hinch! 
She has helped inspire so many people, and continues to do so everyday! 
Like i said before, cleaning before Mrs Hinch came into my life, was a drag, it got done, but I never got excited about it. 
Mrs Hinch - although is a cleaning account - she adds that oompf to cleaning that makes you want to get it done. 
From naming the majority of the products she uses - to getting you to write little but often to do lists - and the insta music videos that you can secretly have a little boogie too while filming yourself cleaning your loo. 
Cleaning got a lot more fun, and the cleaning aisle in Tesco has become my new favourite place. 

I've also found, since I am enjoying cleaning a lot more now, that it is keeping my anxiety at bay. Don't get me wrong, I'll always suffer until I learn to control it properly, but cleaning is something that keeps my mind busy, keeps me motivated and gives me a focus. I'm always wondering what new tips Mrs Hinch has lined up, is Little Miss Mops doing an end of tenancy today, what science is The Secret Cleaner gonna share with us today? Is The Mum Ways gonna give us a dance this morning?

It's like a little community, on your phone screen, and although that does sound bad, it actually isn't. All these home cleaning and mum accounts I have found to be so supportive of one another, like a little family. These are just a select few I have named - there are LOADS more amazing accounts that I follow, and love to watch their stories daily because each of them bring something to their stories that I feel I can relate to, or think, wow, what an awesome tip! 

And because I have become a little bit more confident since joining this little community, I do want to thank them all, for sharing little bits of their lives on their grids and stories each day, for us all to enjoy, and learn from. 

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