Monday, 27 February 2017

Liked and Loved Linky | February 2017

I've decided to take part in liked and loved linky. 
I love looking back and recapping on a month, especially if a month has been extremely stressful, then I can look back and see the happier, positive sides to said month. So this will be a great opportunity to do that. 

What I liked and loved about February 2017: 

Lacey-Beth went to her very first Valentine's disco in school, just before they broke up for half term. She had a fantastic time, with all her wee friends, dancing and playing. She got herself dressed up, and wanted me to curl her hair. It was lovely, dolling her all up for her wee disco, and spending that one to one time with her, but it made me question, when the hell did she get so grown up?? I know, I'm biased, but didn't she look beautiful? 

Lexie-Anna officially came out of nappies. She potty trained this month, and she has done absolutely fantastic. Now, we haven't tried her long distances just yet.. we will get there though. But for home time, and shorter distances... She has mastered it completely, and she's super proud of herself also. And rightly so. I'm so proud of her achieving this, four months before she turns three. Definitely over the moon with her, I didn't think Miss Lexie would have been as easy as she has been to train, but she has surprised me. 

We made birds nest buns. We love Easter in our house, and even though it's still a while away yet, we're already getting in the notion for it, so we decided to make birds nests. This was the first time Lexie-Anna had really gotten involved with baking and making, so it was nice to spend that quality time with both girls together, and see them enjoying licking the chocolate out of the bowl afterwards - it was always the best part as a child. 

We had half term - and Lacey-Beth had a play date with her wee friend from school. She had a ball and came home filled with stories (and some ideas for her daddy to get creative lol) It was nice that she got to get out of the house and away from playing 'big sister' for a while, and got to play with her own wee friends. She was so excited too bless her, so I'll definitely have to organise some play dates for her in future. 

Sunday Nights = Family Movie Nights. This has kind of become a tradition now in our house. After the girls get their Sunday night baths, we all snuggle up with some popcorn and relax with a good family movie. One week - Daddy and I choose a movie from our childhood - Last night we chose The Sandlot - was always a favourite. Other weeks, the girls choose - you can already guess their choices - Trolls, Moana, Frozen, Minions etc.. hence the reason we take it turn about picking movies from different eras.  It's always nice to snuggle up with them though. 

My brother said YES to being my MAN OF HONOUR! - You can read all about it here
I was over the moon that he agreed.. Yes I know I look awful in the picture, but it was such a happy moment, so I don't even care. 

We also celebrated my brothers 25th birthday - and his beloved little nieces stole his thunder, blowing out the candles on his cake. We had a lovely family meal, followed by cake for his birthday, the girls love when we do family get together's to celebrate an occasion. 

Lacey-Beth went along to a 'Movie Night' in her dance studio, where she watched Secret Life of Pets. She had a fantastic time, and with a red carpet arrival at the studio I'm sure every child there felt like royalty. Her dance studio really is THE BEST! 

We've been getting the craft box out a lot recently and getting very creative. The girls have loved it. Especally the cutting and sticking, all the colourful stickers too. I decided to practice some 'wedding bits and bobs' just to see how they would turn out - they're not official wedding decor - but I have really enjoyed making a few wee bits and pieces. 

I have to admit, I won't be glad to see the back of February, as much as it has been an enjoyable month, it's been freezing, wet and windy. I'm looking forward to Spring coming in. 

Linked Up With 
A Cornish Mum

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Sunday, 26 February 2017

Man of Honour | He said YES

I know, I know! Please, excuse the state of me. It's such a horrible photo of me, not one of my finest looking moments, but it's a photograph with such meaning. 

Meet my younger and yes I know taller (as he always reminds me) Gary.
Gary suffers with Autism and Epilepsy, and has done all of his life. He is on medication, however, health professionals have failed to find a medication to stop his seizures, and so every single night, he has a seizure still. 

Gary and I, fight like cat and dog, honestly. We bicker and argue, all the time. It drives my mum round the bend, you'd swear we were still kids with the things we argue about.. but we're also so close. 
He is my only sibling, my only brother. And while I may fight with him, no-one else is allowed to... AT ALL 

Today I asked Gary if he would be my Man of Honour,  breaking any rules of a traditional wedding. Originally, Gary was going to be our Usher, however, it didn't feel right him being just an Usher. I have only three men who are really important to me. 
David - my future husband 
Roy - My dad 
and then Gary - My brother.
Obviously, both David and my Dad will be up at the end of the aisle with me. However Gary wouldn't have been, and it felt really strange, thinking that. 
So.. asking him to be Man of Honour means that I can have him right by my side along with every other important person in my life that will be stood by me. 

Gary is one of my biggest inspirations in life, because despite having Autism and Epilepsy, he never ever lets this put him down, or bring him down. He always keeps himself really positive, and happy, and he's the best Uncle my girls could have, he's also their biggest supporter, he's always encouraging them, looking out for them, looking out for all his family really... So I was over the moon, that after he shed a few tears, he said YES! 

I'm absolutely delighted! And really looking forward to our wedding day now that everyone is playing an important role. 
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My Sunday Photo

My Sunday Photo

This week I've chosen this beautiful picture of my daughters. 
This was literally taken today,after church. They both received these pretty dresses as a gift from their Aunt & Uncle for Christmas, and this is the first they have wore them. 
Lexie-Anna usually isn't a dress girl. She's a definite tomboy, and hates frills, bows, and dresses, especially for any period of time. 

But today, they both looked like proper little princesses, and in these moments, they were both being extremely nice to one another, and being right little angels, so it was the perfect snap. 

They both just look so natural, especially Lexie-Anna. 


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Friday, 24 February 2017

Crayola | Marker Airbrush

Back in October for her actual birthday L-B received the Crayola Marker Airbrush set. 
We hadn't had a chance to get it out or actually use it yet.. it's sat in the box since October. 
Tonight, before bed, we decided to have a bit of family time, and put it to use for the first time, and I must say, I wish we had of got it out of the box before now, it was fantastic. 

I couldn't recommend it highly enough to anyone interested in buying one for their child. 
Both my girls loved it and had a ball making pictures. We did give Lexie-Anna a helping hand, as she was too young to do it herself, however Lacey-Beth was amazing with it. 

It was definitely a gift she can appreciate, and one the whole family will enjoy together. 

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An early birthday | The lengths of a five year old.

This week, miss Lacey-Beth has been desperate to celebrate her birthday. 
She's only eight months early... but when you feel (and act) like a princess, all the time, 
is it ever too early to celebrate your birthday even if it is eight months in advance?

She told her dance teacher on Monday, that it was her birthday, hence the picture above, wearing the birthday crown in the studio. 

Then two days later, it was her Uncle Gary's birthday.. and she stole his thunder, by blowing out his candles. 

She claims, it's too long to wait until her birthday, so she wanted to have it now. 
Seem's you can just pick and choose when to celebrate... eh? 
Well.. in the eyes of a five year old you can anyway. 
Have your kids ever tried to sneak in an early birthday? 
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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Craft Day | Wedding Name Places

Rainy days = Craft Days! 
At least for today it did. The girls and I very rarely get to spend the days making crafts. L-B has such a busy schedule, that when we do find a day, where we're at home, I'll use it to do cleaning, or to lounge about watching movies and catching up on the soaps. 

Today though, the craft box came out, and we decided to just mess about with whatever was in the box. 

I decided to make a start on some practice name places for the wedding - just a little mess around, to see what I could come up with.. with very little embellishments to choose from. 
L-B noticed this, thought they were pretty and decided she wanted to join in and make one for her best friend, hers actually turned out pretty well also, and super cute. 

L-A, was just being her usual typical self. Getting herself covered in sticky glue, but having fun. Sticking lots of things down to paper, and making a lovely picture of absolutely everything she could find. 

It was a simple day, but the girls absolutely loved it and had a ball, the two of them. 
L-A usually isn't into arts and crafts, not as much as L-B.. but today, she really enjoyed just as much, which I'm glad off. 

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Keeping Kids Safe | NSPCC | Schooling Project

Keeping kids safe? Something that every parent wants to get on board with, right? 
Exactly my thoughts when L-B's school announced they were going to be introducing a new project through the NSPCC, all about keeping kids safe, online, offline, in school, at home, you get the gist right? 

So when the principle arranged a parent's information session, I attended, I listened to what the kids in each age group throughout the school were going to be learning about, and what the course entailed. I was up for letting L-B learn and listen to everything. I mean, this was an opportunity for her to learn more about keeping herself safe, because after all, I can't wrap her up in cotton wool, and I certainly can't be with her 24/7 , and as much as I drill safety nets into her head, I know that she will push boundaries with me.. so with a teacher explaining all this to her, then she will end up fully understanding, so I signed, sealed and delivered the permission slip. 

This course sounds fantastic, I'm not going to lie. Obviously, now that the course has started, and the homeworks are coming home, I don't know what the older children in the school are learning, and obviously with the different age groups, the younger kids are not going to be learning the same as the older kids.. But so far, I've been impressed with what L-B has been getting taught. 

They aren't just covering stranger danger, they are covering all areas. Abuse, Mental, Physical, Emotional at home, or anywhere. 
Online Dangers, such as social medias etc.. 
Finding out who a child can talk to if they are worried, upset, frightened etc.. 
Which I do agree, is great for them. Children of this age, should know all of this. They need it.. which is why I gave permission for my daughter to be taught it. 


The last two lessons (week before last, as she was off for half term) and this week, L-B has come out of school, really upset, in such a foul mood, then just randomly bursts into tears, for no reason whatsoever. 
Questioning her after the last lesson, she said they watched a video, and it made her sad. 
Then today, after this weeks lesson, I asked her had anything happened in school to upset her.. and she said again about the video, this time it was about a girl getting scared because of a monsters shadow on her wall or something. 
Assuming, this was part of teaching them that if your scared, to speak out.. which is great. 

However, I'm not sure, why she's getting so upset over these videos? 
I've spoken to other mum's to find out if their child has reacted the same way, but it seems to be only L-B. So I am a tad confused. 
Not sure if the videos genuinely are frightening her, or if she feels that she has to be upset for the people in the videos after watching them. 

I don't want to ask that she be pulled from these lessons, because I want her to learn this stuff, I want her to know everything that she's going to be taught and that it isn't only strangers that can cause her harm.. but I also don't want to see her crying and getting herself that upset, and ending up in hysterics over it. 

It is only once a week though, so I know nothing else in school, is getting to her. 
So, the predicament is.. 
  1.  Do I speak to the teacher? and find out if she can be excluded from even just watching the video bit.. I would prefer she learn all this, but if there's a way she can maybe learn it without the need of the video..  OR 
  2. Just comfort her whenever she comes home each week, and let her know that it's OK, that it was only a video, it wasn't real.. and try and talk her round a bit, let her know I'm there, if she needs to talk about it, if it's upsetting her that much?   

I honestly don't know why it's having this much of an impact on her, when the rest of the kids (at least those, whose mothers I've spoken with) seem to be fine, but she's literally crying! 

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Sunday, 19 February 2017

My Sunday Photo | 19-02-17

It's not very often I catch our girls in such a loving moment of sharing nicely together. 
Being two very strong willed little diva's - neither of them are too keen on 'sharing with one another' - especially Lexie-Anna, so catching them together like this, is a very rare occasion, yet so lovely to see also. 

These girls, as much as they adore one another and love each others company, they are typical sisters, and fight, bicker, squeal and argue, it feels constant some days, mainly over their toys, or tablets.. so I was definitely snapping this moment, on this fine Sunday! 

Peace, Quite and some Sibling Love.. what more could I have asked for on a Sunday?


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Saturday, 18 February 2017

The Sibling Project | February 2017

This is our first month taking part in - The Sibling Project, and I'm really looking forward to joining in each month! I love any opportunity to snap a few pics of my girls together, especially for the album, so this will be something I will enjoy taking part in every month, and will give me an excuse to get them both together, as some weeks, it's impossible! 

This month the girls have spent quite a lot of time together. Half term just started last week, so Lacey-Beth has been off school all week, and Lexie-Anna has been really enjoying her sisters company. She really misses her terribly when she's at school, and she just sits about waiting until her sister comes walking through the door when I've picked her up. It's not so fun for me, or anyone else that's around then, because when the pair of them are seperated, they are like little angels, but when together, they feed off each others energy, and burn everyone else out from their hyper fits. However, as tiring as they are together, it can also be the sweetest thing ever to watch. 

Lacey-Beth is very 'mumzy' over Lexie-Anna. (sometimes, I do believe, she really does think, she's Lexie's mummy - not me) but yes, she's very protective over her little sis, and it is so sweet. Lexie-Anna loves it too, although there is times she does get a tad frustrated with it, and she soon lets Lacey-Beth know, when that time is. They do have an incredible bond together, and love each others company, which is so nice to see, it means they will always have a live in play buddy, a best friend and sister all in one. 

This month, they have had a ball together, especially over half term week with Lacey-Beth being off school. They've went to Jumping Jacks soft play, and to the park, and had a blast. We did get a little jealousy from Lexie-Anna as Lacey-Beth met up with a wee school friend in Jumping Jacks, so didn't have a whole lot of time for her sister while playing with her wee friend, then on Friday - Lacey-Beth then went for a play date at her friends house, and Lexie-Anna wasn't overly impressed with this either, as she didn't have her sister home to torture play with. 

But yes, it's been lovely seeing them bond together this February. They've gotten so close lately, it has been lovely to see. 

The Me and Mine Project

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